Taijiquan and Taiji-Qigong Program Fees

When you consider costs, also consider what you get

      +comprehensive content in all programs      +highly experienced instructors

      +small class sizes                                           +exclusive access to training videos

Beginner™s' three-month trial package includes uniform T-shirt, and access to beginning level
training documents and videos.
           1 class (1 hour 15 minutes) per week. $240.      2 classes per week                                $360.


                When you are ready to become a member, you pay:  $120 a year membership dues (includes on demand access to Qi Elements Taijiquan and Taiji Qigong videos on Vimeo) plus tuition depending on how many classes you want per week and how long you enroll. 

  Classes per week       Three months              Six months                  One Year        

One                                         $209                                $329                                 $559

Two                                         $349                                $599                                $1009                           

Three or more                      $419                                 $749                                 $1349


Give us a try before you commit.

Beginners' Trial Enrollment for Taijiquan or Taiji-Qigong

Drop-in rates for in-person classes:  $25 per class, 4 classes package good for three months $80.   For Taiji classes, drop-ins are suitable only for trial classes and for persons who already know the Yang Family long form.

Testing and promotion fees are included with dues payment, except for for Taijiquan and Taiji-Qigong instructor certification level (Black Sash for Taijiquan) $100.